Meet The Leadership
Kristine Collins, Dean, UCI Division of Continuing Education
Kristine Collins (Krissy) has been appointed dean of the UCI Division of Continuing Education, effective August 22, 2022. She is a proud leader in non-traditional education and lifelong learning who comes to UCI with two decades of experience working in two of Canada’s most well-respected institutions, the University of Toronto and the National Film Board of Canada. Additionally, Collins has worked in an edtech start-up and has collaborated with intersectoral corporations to establish creative solutions for high-quality learning. She established and launched the University of Toronto’s first microcredential program, led partnerships with over 25 professional associations, has served as the secretary-treasurer and incoming president of the Canadian Association for Continuing Education, and has spoken extensively and advised on the development of high-quality, non-credit programming and partnerships. Collins is committed to access, positive leadership, and ensuring that all locations of learning and work are inclusive and welcoming.